Here are some tips to “allergy-proof” your home during the fall and winter months and improve indoor air quality.

  • Make sure your air filters are changed regularly. Changing your air filters prevents dirty air from circulating in your home. We recommend checking/ replacing your filter once or twice a year depending on certain factors and health conditions of family members. It is also important to change your air filter to prevent your system from working harder than it needs, resulting in a shorter lifespan.
  • Install a humidifier. During cold days, your furnace is working hard the entire day resulting in drier air in your home. For easy use, we recommend the Generalaire 1042 humidifier. This is attached directly to your HVAC system and only requires the humidifier pad to be changed once a year for $19. This can reduce allergy and asthma symptoms, protect your skin, minimize risk of infection, protect your woodwork/ floors and save you money.
  • Dust and vacuum the different areas of your home. Simply dusting and vacuuming regularly can help prevent allergies. Steam cleaning will sanitize the floor by killing off microscopic organisms using the high temperature of steam.
  • Invest in an Air Purifier. We recommend the TRANE CleanEffects air purifier not only does it outperform even the best HEPA filter, it is designed to help deliver what we call Trane Air throughout your home – air that is heated as well as cooled, thoroughly conditioned, meticulously filtered and cleaned of up to an unprecedented 99.98% of airborne allergens that pass through the filter. (Learn more: HERE).
  • Keep Air Purifying houseplants inside. There are various houseplants that are proven effective in purifying the air inside your home. English Ivy can absorb formaldehyde and help control mold issues. The Peace Lilly combats VOC benzene which is a well-known paint carcinogen and the Lady Palm which helps in scrubbing the air to allow easier breathing.

Contact the professionals at Colony Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning today! 364-HEAT (4328).





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